Division for Combating Drug Abuse

Head of Division

Sanja Mikulić, LLB

In scope of work, the Division for Combating Drug Abuse is focused on effective implementation of the policy on the suppression of drugs and the development of an integrated national drug information system, while ensuring compliance and coordination of the implementation of measures to combat drug abuse. The Division is divided into the Department for National Informative Units for Drugs and International Cooperation Affairs, which further ramifies into the Unit for National Informative Units for Drugs, the Unit for International Cooperation in the Field of Drugs and the Unit for Early-warning System on Novel Drugs; and the Department for Programmes and Strategies, with subordinate Unit for Programmes and Unit for Strategies. The head of the Division is Ms. Sanja Mikulić.

At the national level, the Division systematically monitors drug-related phenomena, considers issues and carries out professional, analytical, advisory and other tasks related to combating drug abuse, implements the National Drug Abuse Strategy and action plans; proposes measures aimed at eliminating the causes and consequences of drug abuse on the individual and society; runs a national drug information system; participates in interdepartmental cooperation in the field of combating drug abuse; coordinates and implements educational and media campaigns for the purpose of drug-related prevention and education, with the aim of informing citizens about the impact and harmfulness of drug abuse; as well as implements obligations under international treaties and conventions in the field of combating drug abuse, in cooperation with the competent authorities.

At the international level, the Division participates in the preparation and implementation of projects financed from European Union funds and projects of other international organisations  fighting against drug abuse; establishes, implements and develops cooperation with European Union bodies, other international bodies and associated institutions in the field of fight against drug abuse, as well as monitors and takes part in activities of participation of the Republic of Croatia in the work of EU bodies in the field of drug abuse.

The Division maintains continuous regional, bilateral and multilateral cooperation, which includes regular and active cooperation with numerous international organisations and other institutions, such as: the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Commission for Narcotic Drugs (CND), International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, European Union Agency (Europol), EMCDDA, Horizontal Working Group on Drugs of the Council of the European Union (HDG) and others.

Department for National Informative Units for Drugs and International Cooperation Affairs

  • Unit for National Informative Units for Drugs
  • Unit for International Cooperation in the Field of Drugs
  • Unit for Early-warning System on Novel Drugs

Department for Programmes and Strategies 

  • Unit for Programmes
  • Unit for Strategies


Projekt resocijalizacije ovisnika o drogama koji su završili neki od programa odvikavanja od ovisnosti i rehabilitacije u terapijskoj zajednici ili zatvorskom sustavu, te ovisnika koji su u izvanbolničkom tretmanu i duže vrijeme stabilno održavaju apstinenciju i pridržavaju se propisanog načina liječenja, usvojen je na sjednici Vlada Republike Hrvatske održanoj 19. travnja 2007. godine.