Programmes and Projects
Head of Department
Bojana Gundić, univ. spec.stud.eur.
The Department for Programmes and Projects informs and provides professional assistance and support to the Croatian Institute of Public Health (CIPH) employees in preparing and implementing projects financed by national and international funds. The objective of the Department is the successful preparation and implementation of projects in which CIPH participates through administrative and organizational support to project teams and their participants.
Specific activities of the Department for Programmes and Projects:
- Informing CIPH employees about the announcement of new tenders;
- Assistance in searching for project partners and coordinators;
- Support in choosing project topics and financing instruments;
- Coordination of activities and professional support to project managers in harmonizing project proposals with national and CIPH strategies;
- Analyzing the compliance of projects and programmes with the strategic objectives of CIPH;
- Provision of advisory support, and participation in administrative and financial preparation for and implementation of programmes and projects;
- Participation in all preparatory and implementation activities in cooperation with CIPH divisions and departments, and all other external project stakeholders;
- Monitoring and surveillance of assigned funds expenditure on project activities;
- Keeping record of all submitted, received, and completed projects, as well as periodic research, as part of the project proposal;
- Drafting of internal reports on the status of project implementation; and surveillance of public procurement procedures, as part of the implementation of programmes and projects, pursuant to legal regulations, internal policies, and international agreements.
European Structural and Investment Funds
European Social Fund (ESF)
- Healthy Living
- I Love Health
- Strengthening the capacity for prevention and early detection of risks and conditions related to chronic non-communicable and malignant diseases in PGŽ and the Republic of Croatia
- Deinstitutionalization of services for people with addiction problems – development of a network of social services
- Care for the health of people with celiac disease
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- Development of a Line of Meat Products without Additives (Clean Label)
- Digital transformation of water quality monitoring (WATER Q)
- Mitigating the negative impacts of Climate Change on treatment of surface water Reservoirs in drinking water production by flocculation and Ozone
Third Health Programme 2014-2020 (3HP)
- Innovative Partnership for Action Cancer (iPAAC)
- Joint Action Preparedness and action at points of entry (ports, airports, and ground crossings) – Healthy GateWays
- European Join Action on Vaccination (EU – JAV)
- The Joint Action on implementation of digitally enabled integrated person-centred care (JADECARE)
- Strengthened International HeAlth Regulations and Preparedness in the EU (SHARP JA)
- Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space (JA TEHDAS)
- Joint Action on Implementation of Validated Best Practices in Nutrition (Best-ReMaP)
- Joint Action to Strengthen Health Preparedness and Response to Biological and Chemical Terror Attacks (JA TERROR)
- Joint Action on Strengthening cooperation between interested Member States and the Commission in the area of tobacco control (JATC2)
- Join Action on Implementation of Best Practices in the area of Mental Health (JA Implemental)
- Join Action on Increasing Capacities of National Focal Points (NFP4Health)
- Join Action on Health Information (InfAct)
- Joint Action Health Equity in Europe (JA HEE)
- Joint Action 3 – European Network for Health Technology Assessment (EUnetHTA JA3)
- Joint action on antimicrobial resistance and health care associated infections (EU-JAMRAI)
- Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health (CARE)
- Efficient response to highly dangerous and emerging pathogens at EU level (EMERGE)
- Join Action on Frailty Prevention. A comprehensive approach to promote a disability-free advanced age in Europe: the ADVANTAGE initiative (ADVANTAGE)
- Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT)
- Joint Action on integrating prevention, testing, and linkage to care strategies across HIV, viral hepatitis, TB, and STIs in Europe (INTEGRATE)
- Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC)
- Implementing good practices for chronic diseases (CHRODIS-PLUS)
Second Health Programme 2008-2013 (2HP)
- Strengthening occupational health professionals’ capacities to improve the health of the ageing workforces (e-CAPACIT8)
- Joint Action – Improving Quality in HIV Prevention (QHP)
- Joint Action on nutrition and physical activity (JANPA)
- Joint Action on Reducing Alcohol Related Harm (RARHA)
- PAtient REgistries iNiTiative (PARENT)
- European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control (CANCON)
- Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Local Communities (HEPCOM)
- Tools to Address Childhood Trauma, Injury and Children’s Safety (TACTICS)
HORIZON 2020 (H2020)
- LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE (RECOVER-E)
- European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU)
- Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19 (unCoVer)
- Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI)
- Integrated Monitoring of Vaccines in Europe (I-MOVE+)
- Epidemic intelligence to minimize 2019-nCoV’s public health, economic and social impact in Europe (EpiPose)
- European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) voluntary
- Pre-testing of new variables for future European Health Interview Survey waves – EHIS
- Inventory on Morbidity Statistics in Croatia
- Morbidity Statistics
- Occupational Diseases Statistics (2021-HR-EODS)
EU Solidarity Fund (EUSF)
- Urgent measures to repair the building of the Croatian Institute of Public Health
- Urgent measures to repair the building of the Croatian Institute of Public Health – Phase 2
- Croatian Institute of Public Health – Phase 3 – Reconstruction of Rockefeller building
Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ)
- Research of processes taking place in water supply systems (ProVoda)
- Evaluation of the release of microplastic particles from polyester textiles in the washing process (InWaShed-Mp)
- Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of emergent and re-emergent neuroinvasive arbovirus infections in Croatia (CRONEUROARBO)
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Implementation and testing of electronic submission in XML format of zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and food-borne outbreak data and updating the historical datasets
- Task force on varnishes and coatings for food contact materials
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
- Establishing SARI surveillance and performing hospital-based CVOID-19 transmission studies
- Developing an infrastructure and performing vaccine effectiveness studies for COVID-19 vaccine in the EU/EEA
- European Health Emergency preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)
- Implementating activities to the Framework (I-MOVE)
- Vaccine Effectivness, Burden and Impact Studies (VEBIS) of COVID-19 and Influenza
- Maintenance of Basic Surveillance System Implementation Activities and Response, Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza in Southeast European Countries
Emergency Support Instrument (ESI)
- Support of the Member States to establish national systems, local collection points, and digital infrastructure for monitoring Covid 19 and its variants in waste waters – Croatia
- Improvement of quality of the National Cancer Screening Programmes implementation
- Ensuring optimal health care for people with mental health problems – Tehnical assistance component
World Health Organization (WHO)
- Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS)
- Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS)
- WHO Facilitate the implementation of 2021/2022 country survey GLASS in Croatia
- WHO Mental health workshop 2022
- Support to an online meeting aimed at presenting CROATIA country vector control needs assessment (VCNA), carried out in 2021.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
- Active contribution by the National Focal Point to the implemnentation of the EMCDDA work programme
EU4Health (EU4H)
Digital Europe