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In July 2015, the Division for Health Promotion was appointed the Reference Centre of the Ministry of Health for Health Promotion.
Implementation of the ‘Healthy Living’ project (Živjeti zdravo)
The idea behind health promotion is improving the health and creating the potential for good health before a health problem or health threat appears. Health promotion is defined as the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health.
Tasks of the Health Promotion Division:
- Implementation of the ‘Healthy Living’ project (Živjeti zdravo);
- Proposing and encouraging of, and participation in the organisation and implementation of health promotion programmes;
- Providing the necessary recommendations and promoting a healthier way of life (non-smoking, proper nutrition, regular physical activity, responsible sexual behaviour, strengthening the individual’s ability to overcome crisis situations, etc.) through health education and raising awareness, as well as through means of public communication;
- Creating suitable professional templates and/or educational and promotional materials;
- Providing professional help and support to programmes of changing unhealthy lifestyles;
- Building the prerequisites for making healthier lifestyles simpler and more attractive than other options;
- Paying special attention to building such a social environment that supports the adoption of healthier lifestyles, including relevant legislative aspects;
- Improving cooperation with other sectors (education, food industry, agriculture…);
- Monitoring and evaluation of individual programmes