Baze podataka Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije


OVDJE možete pronaći statističke podatke i baze podataka SZO.


Ovo su naslovi baza podataka:

– European Health for All database (HFA-DB)

– Mortality indicator database: mortality indicators by 67 causes of death, age and sex (HFA-MDB)

– European detailed mortality database (DMDB)

– European hospital morbidity database (HMDB)

– European database on human and technical resources for health (HlthRes-DB)

– Centralized information system for infectious diseases (CISID)

– European inventory of national policies for the prevention of violence and injuries

– WHO European Database on Nutrition, Obesity and Physical Activity (NOPA)

– Tobacco control database

– European Information System on Alcohol and Health (EISAH)