CroDiab registar
Nacionalni registar osoba sa šećernom bolešću osnovan je 2000. godine s ciljem unapređenja zdravstvene zaštite osoba sa šećernom bolešću, utvrđivanja prevalencije i incidencije šećerne bolesti i njenih akutnih i kroničnih komplikacija, praćenja morbiditeta i mortaliteta, te osnovnih kliničkih pokazatelja na nacionalnoj razini. Prijava je od 2004. godine obavezna za sve liječnike primarne i sekundarne zdravstvene zaštite koji u svojoj skrbi imaju osobe sa šećernom bolešću. U Republici Hrvatskoj je, prema podacima CroDiab registra i Centralnog zdravstvenog informacijskog sustava (CEZIH), 2023. bilo registrirano 395.058 osoba s dijagnozom šećerne bolesti.
U 2023. godini pristigle su BIS (engl. Basic Information Sheet) prijave za 59.195 punoljetnih osoba sa šećernom bolešću. Regulacija glikemije bila je dobra (HbA1c < 6,5%) u 37,45%, granično zadovoljavajuća (6,5% < HbA1c < 7,5%) u 36,23%, a loša (HbA1c > 7,5%) u 26,32% bolesnika uz prosječne vrijednosti (aritmetička sredina ± standardna devijacija) HbA1c 7,07 ± 1,42, glikemije natašte 7,96 ± 2,75 te postprandijalne glikemije 8,80 ± 3,30.
ZNANSTVENE PUBLIKACIJE (časopisi indeksirani u Current Contents, Scopus, Embase/ Excerpta medica, Medline):
1. Dimnjaković J, Buble T, Ivanko P, Poljičanin T, Karanović Štambuk S, Brborović H, Brborović O. Association of anti-diabetic drugs and covid-19 outcomes in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and chronic kidney disease: Nationwide registry analysis. PLoS One. 2024 Mar 27;19(3):e0301056. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301056. PMID: 38536830; PMCID: PMC10971752.
2. Dimnjaković J, Buble T, Ivanko P, Pristaš I, Brborović O, Brborović H. Association of anti-diabetic drugs and COVID-19 outcomes in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and cardiomyopathy. Sci Rep. 2024 Mar 27;14(1):7227. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-57871-9. PMID: 38538694; PMCID: PMC10973387.
3. Poljičanin T, Bralić Lang V, Mach Z, Švajda M. Croatian diabetes registry (CroDiab) and implementation of standardised diabetes checklists using Joint Action CHRODIS Recommendations and Criteria. Ann Ist Super Sanità 2021 | Vol. 57, No. 1: 74-79 DOI: 10.4415/ANN_21_01_12
4. Capak K, Brkić-Biloš I, Kralj V, Poljičanin T, Šekerija M, Ivanko P, Draušnik Ž, Mihel S, Fuštin D, Cerovečki I, Švajda M, Dimnjaković J, Sarajlić G, Benjak T. Prevalence of somatic comorbidities among coronavirus disease 2019 patients in Croatia in the first pandemic wave: data from national public health databases. Croat Med J. 2020 Dec 31;61(6):518-524. PMID: 33410298.
5. Tomić M, Raštegorac P, Vrabec R, Poljičanin T, Rahelić D. Telemedicine for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Croatia: A Dream That Could Become a Reality. Coll Antropol. 2020; 44 (3) 3: 175–179.
6. Vince K, Poljičanin T, Brkić M, Rodin U, Matijević R. Prevalence of diabetes five years after having gestational diabetes during pregnancy – Croatian national study. Prim Care Diabetes. 2018 Aug;12(4):325-330
7. Jakubczyk M, Lipka I, Pawęska J, Niewada M, Rdzanek E, Zaletel J, Ramírez de Arellano A, Doležal T, Chekorova Mitreva B, Nagy B, Petrova G, Šarić T, Yfantopoulos J, Czech M. Cost of severe hypoglycaemia in nine European countries. J Med Econ. 2016 Oct;19(10):973-82. doi: 10.1080/13696998.2016.1188823.
8. Pavlov R, Topličan I, Vrcić Keglević M. Ten-year trends in the morbidity of diabetes mellitus and antidiabetic drug utilization in Croatia: A study based on routinely collected data. Int J Family Med. 2016;2016:9837496. doi: 10.1155/2016/9837496
9. Pibernik-Okanović M, Hermanns N, Ajduković D, Kos J, Prašek M, Šekerija M, Vučić Lovrenčić M. Does treatment of subsyndromal depression improve depression-related and diabetes-related outcomes? A randomised controlled comparison of psychoeducation, physical exercise and enhanced treatment as usual. Trials. 2015; 16: 305.
10. Tomić M, Ljubić S, Kaštelan S, Gverović Antunica A, Jazbec A, Poljičanin T. Inflammation, haemostatic disturbance, and obesity: Possible link to pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes. Mediators of Inflammation, 2013, Article ID 818671, 10 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/818671
11. Sarić T, Poljičanin T, Metelko Z. Cost of diabetes complications treatment: effect of improving glycemic control, blood pressure and lipid status on the occurrence of complications and costs of disease treatment]. Lijec Vjesn. 2013 May-Jun;135(5-6):162-71. Croatian.
12. Ajduković D, Pibernik-Okanović M, Šekerija M, Hermanns N. The reach of depression screening preceding treatment: Are there patterns of patients’ self-selection? Int J Endocrinol. 2012; 2012: 148145.
13. Pibernik-Okanović M, Ajduković D, Vučić Lovrenčić M, Hermanns N. Does treatment of subsyndromal depression improve depression and diabetes related outcomes: protocol for a randomised controlled comparison of psycho-education, physical exercise and treatment as usual. Trials. 2011; 12: 17.
14. Šekerija M, Poljičanin T, Erjavec K, Liberati-Čizmek AM, Prašek M, Metelko Ž. Gender differences in the control of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes – A cross-sectional study. Internal Medicine. 2011;51(2):161-166.
15. Poljičanin T, Pavlić-Renar I, Metelko Ž. Obesity in type 2 diabetes: Prevalence, treatment trends and dilemmas. Coll Antropol. 2011;35(3):829-834.
16. Kern J, Erceg M, Poljičanin T. Efficacy of public health surveillance systems [Učinkovitost javnozdravstvenih informacijskih sustava] Acta Med Croat. 2010;64(5):415-23.
17. Poljičanin T, Šekerija M, Metelko Ž. CroDiab WEB and improvement of diabetes care at the primary health care level [CroDiab WEB i unapređenje dijabetološke skrbi u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti] Acta Med Croat. 2010;64(5):349-54.
18. Botica MV, Pavlić-Renar I, Poljicanin T, Balint I, Rapić M, Loncar J. CroDiab GP–follow up of diabetics protection in general medicine [CroDiab GP–praćenje zastite dijabetickih bolesnika u obiteljskoj medicini.] Acta Med Croat. 2007;61(1):19-24.
19. Poljičanin T, Pavlić-Renar I, Metelko Ž. Crodiab NET – Electronic diabetes registry [Crodiab NET – Registar osoba sa šećernom bolesti]. Acta Med Croat. 2005;59(3):185-9.
1. Švajda M, Bralić-Lang V, Mach Z, Poljičanin T. The Role of Standardized Diabetes Data Set in Improving the Quality of Care at Primary Care Level. Lijec Vjesn. 2020; 142 (Suppl. 1):73.
2. Metelko Ž, Poljičanin T, Šekerija M, Ajduković, D. Impact of regular diabetes reporting on metabolic regulation in type 2 diabetes. 2010:59(Suppl. 1):A349.
3. Pavlić-Renar I, Poljičanin T, Metelko Ž. Slight weight gain: a price for better blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes? Diabetes. 2004;52(Suppl.2):A479.
4. Poljičanin T, Pavlić-Renar I, Metelko Ž. CroDiab NET and diabetes care improvement. Diabetes. 2004;52(Suppl.2):A552.
5. Metelko Ž, Badanjak A, Božikov V, Đeldum Periša D, Drvodjelić- Šunjić E, Dumičić J, Kokić S, Magaš S, Poljičanin Filipović T, Slošić- Weiss S, Zjačić-Rotkvić V. CroDiab NET – A golden tool for diabetes service. Diabetes 2003;51(Suppl.2):A534.
6. Metelko Ž, Pavlić-Renar I, Poljičanin T. Questions from a medical record database. Diabetes 2003;51(Suppl.1):A523.
Pavlić-Renar I, Poljičanin-Filipović T, Metelko Ž. Cardiovascular risk profile at different levels of obesity in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes. 2003;51(Suppl. 2).
7. Poljičanin-Filipović T, Pavlić-Renar I, Metelko Ž. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes obesity prevalence – what is the difference? Diabetes. 2002;51(Suppl.2):A605.
1. Brkić M, Pleše B, Pajić V, Kostešić M, Stevanović R, Poljičanin T, Pristaš I, Zaletel M, Kralj M. Patients Registries. U: Zaletel M, Kralj M, urednici. Methodological guidelines and recommendations for efficient and rational governance of patient registries. Ljubljana, Slovenia: National Institute of Public Health, 2015. str. 14-41.
2. Brkić M, Pleše B, Pajić V, Kostešić M, Stevanović R, Poljičanin T, Pristaš I. Interoperability. U: Zaletel M, Kralj M, urednici. Methodological guidelines and recommendations for efficient and rational governance of patient registries. Ljubljana, Slovenia: National Institute of Public Health, 2015. str. 42-57.
3. Brkić M, Pleše B, Pajić V, Pristaš I, Stevanović R, Kostešić M, Poljičanin T, Wall D, Foley B, Zaletel M, Kralj M. Quality dimensions od registries. U: Zaletel M, Kralj M, urednici. Methodological guidelines and recommendations for efficient and rational governance of patient registries. Ljubljana, Slovenia: National Institute of Public Health, 2015. str. 58-70.
4. Poljičanin T, Šekerija M. Šećerna bolest. U: Puntarić D, Ropac D, Jurčev-Savičević A, urednici. Javno zdravstvo. Osijek: Medicinska naklada, 2015. str. 159-164.
5. Puntarić D, Ropac D, Heim I, Kruhek-Leontić D, Šekerija M, Znaor A, Štajduhar D, Kolarić B, Poljičanin T, Brkić- Biloš I, Silobrčić-Radić M, Medić A, Sikora M. Hrvatski javnozdravstveni prioriteti. U: Puntarić D, Ropac D, Jurčev-Savičević A, urednici. Javno zdravstvo. Osijek: Medicinska naklada, 2015. str. 111-198.
6. Kern J, Erceg M, Poljičanin T, Sović S, Fišter K, Ivanković D, Vuletić S. Public health ICT based surveillance system. In: Rodrigues, JJPC, de la Torre Díez I, Sainz de Abajo B, eds. Telemedicine and e-health services, policies, and applications: Advancements and developments. Hershey, PA, USA : IGI Global, 2012. p. 369-396.
7. Poljičanin T, Metelko Ž. Šećerna bolest. In: Vorko-Jović A, Strnad M, Rudan I, eds. Epidemiologija kroničnih nezaraznih. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2010. p. 243-264.
8. Metelko Z, Pavlić-Renar I, Poljičanin-Filipović T, Car N, Dumičić J, Hercigonja R. CroDiabNET – sustav za praćenje dijabetološke skrbi. In: Kurjak A, Richter B, urednici. Telemedicina u Hrvatskoj: dostignuća i daljnji razvitak. Zagreb: Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske; 2001. p. 209-214.
Na sljedećoj stranici: Izvješća Nacionalnog registra osoba sa šećernom bolesti CroDiab